
Status Update ^_^

25 August 2012

My Past Memory

Assalamualaikum all !

malam ni tak tau la knape..xde keje kot..sebab tulah tangan I ni menggatal kat

atas keyboard..hmm..ade satu cerita yang princess bieber nak kongsi ngan

you'll..sebenarnye cite ni dah lama sebenarnye...tapi kan..I nak cite jugak..ala

kita kongsi2 cerita..tak salah kan? ala..cite ni just for fun okay..masa tu I kecik

lagi..tak silap hari tu baru lepas habis exam..pastu kumpul la ramai2 kat

belakang kelas
ngan cikgu kitorang..pastu ade ke patut cikgu tu bukak topik

sape suka sape...
teruk betul..

sampai la kat sorang budak laki ni..

'hah..Ajwat..awak suka sape??' cikgu tanye dia...

'hmm?? err..deana..' Ajwat kata..

Lepas tu..semua orang serentak pandang I..I dah lah tak tahu ape2 pun..dalam

kelas pun xde gosip
ape2 pasal I dengan dia...

cikgu pun tanya..

'ha..deana..awak suka dia jugak?'

I pun jawab la..

'Ehh..mane ade cikgu..saya x suka dia lah..saya suka ***** '

haha...tak baik betul I ni..kesian Si Ajwat tu..I kata I suka orang lain..kesian

orang gelak kat dia lepas tu..tak sampai hati tengok dia kena ejek..
(I kan baik)..I

pun katalah..

'alaa..saya suka je kawan ngan dia cikgu..saya baik je dengan dia..'

pastu kawan2 yang lain xde lah..ejek dia sangat dah..kitorang pun kawan cam

biasa..alaa..waktu tu..kecik lagi..tak tau ape2 pun...

semua tepuk tampar, libas laki ke sume standard je..haha..tau sape suka sape

pun waktu tu..wat bodoh aje.. x serious pun masing2...tu pun tahun tu last I

belajar kat situ..lepas tu ade gak terserempak ngan kawan lama..dia kata

Ajwat suka orang lain pulak
..nama dia Erdyna..I pun katalah..

'waaahh bagus la..'
dengan gembiranya.. :) haha..

p/s:walaupun seseorang tu kata dia suka kat kita..jangan lah kita jadikan ia penghalang untuk kita dari terus berkawan..nanti..lama2 dah x tegur..dah jadi dosa pulak kan?

friends forever !!!

The Swagie says 'like' it ! and thank you for reading ^_^

Stuff : Beg Fly Dari Vietnam


Sebelum ape2..Assalamualaikum all !

Haaa..nak tau tak ape bende kat atas tuh??

tulah beg yang mama princess bieber beli masa dia pegi Vietnam hari tu..

cantik kan? boleh letak macam2 benda.. sebab beg tu besar betul !

buat masa ni..princess bieber x pakai lagi beg ni kat skolah.. tapi balik nia

macam nak try pakai la..

ade lagi banyak stuff yang mama I beli dari Vietnam tu..tapi ni je la dulu..

yang I boleh postkan.. Nanti princess post banyak lagi stuff dari Vietnam tu..

okay !

The Swagie says 'like' it ! and thank you for reading ^_^

24 August 2012

Study Je Hari Nie...


Assalamualaikum all !!

nak tau tak hari ni princess bieber pegi mane???

Haaaa ! tengok gambar kat sebelah tu-->
rasa2nye lahkan..princess bieber kena ape ek?

kalau nak tau..masa tu..saya ade dekat ofis..(ape kena interview ke???) mane ade la..
oh yekew?? wat suspens je tadi..huh~..

sebenarnye..masa tu la..princess kena belajar dengan dia tu..orang yang kat dalam gambar yang lagi sorang tu..MY TEACHER YANG BERGAJI WALAUPUN SETENGAH HARI..hehe~ dia ade blog jugak..nah ni site dierr ~ visit la !

Teacher saya tu ade banyak cite yang menarik untuk dibaca.. ^_^

The Swagie says 'like' it ! and thank you for reading ^_^

They said I could be anything, so I became a Churper. #ChurpChurp

nak tau tak ape ni? jom la join !

They said I could be anything, so I became a Churper. #ChurpChurp

klau nak tau step dgn lebih lanjut..KLIK SINI

The Swagie says 'like' it ! and thank you for reading ^_^

23 August 2012

Fuuuhh !


fiuuhh..penat sudaa..seharian mengedit blog..(actually..xde la sampai seharian pun).., harap korang puas tengok blog deana yang xde la cantik mane lepas

diedit.. ^_^ (padahal nak bangga ni)..hehe ~

senyum selalu..senyum tu kan sedekah?

okaylah..Princess Bieber Swagger da penat !

deana rehat dulu..bye !!!

princess bieber swagger,
bieber's heartbeat.

The Swagie says 'like' it ! and thank you for reading ^_^

22 August 2012

Tik Tok Tik Tok !!!


Sekarang ni tengah mengira hari2 yg bersisa untuk balik ke maktab..ala..x best la macam ni..nak cuti lama2 lagi..Isnin depan dah start skolah..that means.. school holidays is finish for me ! hmm..tapi..hari isnin tu bukan terus start skolah..ada sambutan Hari Raya !! HURRAY ! mesti seronok..semua orang pakai baju cantik2..

Haaaa...kawan2 dapat berapa duit rayeee ~ mesti banyak kan? ye la..kita kan x kerja lagi so..hulur tangan je..diorang mesti faham punye ~ muahahaha ! nakal kan Princess Bieber Swagger ni..dekat kubur pun ade orang nk bagi duit raya..waaaaa bestnyee..ooooopppss ! kita kene ucap ape? Alhamdulillah... pandai !

So the thing is..memang lah x suke sebab nak bukak sekolah dah..tapi..kita ni adatlah kalau belajar...nama pun belajar kan?

Sampai sini je lah dulu celoteh Princess Bieber Swagger..

princess bieber swagger,
bieber's heartbeat.

The Swagie says 'like' it ! and thank you for reading ^_^

Raya Sekejap..Study Lebih ???!!

You can read this for only half a minute...SO, READ ! about study..hmm..let's see..we want to celebrate Hari Raya but at the same time we have to study cause exam is around the do you think that this celebration is fun? Answer it yourself..If you want to make it fun and interesting, you have to do a lot of preparation before the school you just have to revise back what you have learned..the celebration is also can go well..

What I want to stress that preparation at school before school holiday can bring benefit to us..I want to remind this not only for you but also for myself..

Thank you for reading..

princess bieber swagger,
bieber's heartbeat.

The Swagie says 'like' it ! and thank you for reading ^_^

20 August 2012

Hari Raya Aidilfitri

Hi there ! It's Princess Bieber Swagger again ! As you'll know that in the last entry, I'll will talk about my Hari Raya'm not only want to describe it but I also want to talk about the event that all of the muslims do on Hari Raya..

Let's begin

All those waiting for Hari Raya Aidilfitri, the blessed day... and today has entered the third day we celebrate Hari Raya Aidilfitri..All the family members were very excited..We packed our things on the night before Hari Raya and woke up early in the morning, preparing to go to the mosque for Raya prayer. After that they serve us variety of food and it was sooooooo delicious ! but something unexpected happens...I met Ustaz Don at the mosque!!! I'm very excited although I only saw him the time he wanted to go eat...

Next, we return to our home and prepare to go to my grandmother's house...this day is the first day of Raya and I am still in KL...after eating<<>> (I am 'a strong man to eat')...hmm..we gathered to hands between family members and those who have worked, give 'angpau' to the children..I collected so many 'angpau' from them and it was fun to collect it..

Then, we went to the grave to remit al-Fatihah..At there, we could see a lot of people wearing many colours and variety of clothes...

After Zohor prayer...My family and I went to the village and arrivd at 4 pm..with a new face I wake up, alighted from the car, entered the house and shaking hands with all the was a rather tiring day, but i spent more time chatting with my cousin..we talked about interesting event that occurred, boyfriends, about who we are interested, those handsome and much more..that did not realize that day was late at night...

Yesterday, our big family have some interesting event..we cheered and laugh..told stories and so on..this was the fun moment..and I couldn't forget it...there's a lot more stories that I wanted to share..but it's already late..if you guys want to know more about my celebration..just leave a comment...

I shall pen off now... bye !

princess bieber swagger,
bieber's heartbeat.

The Swagie says 'like' it ! and thank you for reading ^_^

17 August 2012

Justin Bieber - Boyfriend


If I was your >>>GIRLFRIEND<<<,
I never let you go,
Keep you on my arm >>>boy<<<,
You never be alone......

princess bieber swagger,
bieber's heartbeat.

The Swagie says 'like' it ! and thank you for reading ^_^

05 August 2012

Fasting Season

Okay today is the 16th Ramadhan we were fasting..and Alhamdulillah..I'm sure that all of the muslims have not leave during the 16 day fast..Without realizing it, had two weeks we fast we saw and there are about two weeks longer to finish..

To all my fans, this evening I want to share some of the fasting month with all of u..
so pretty girls and handsome boys also to my mysterious stalkerz .. please take a note !

During this holy month, we must not leave the prayer, multiply the reading of Al-Quran, chanting plenty, plenty of charity, do good deeds, make good to the difficult, and make many more good deeds to get rewarded by Allah..

Everything that we do will evaluated by Allah. In this glorious, reward given is many times over from the previous..We must take advantage of opportunities to increase our reward because we are only poor people..

Only with her fellow human beings(smiles)..we have the reward.. Is that something that is difficult for us to do? It is only for ourselves as well..also, we must not arrogant in this month..

To all who are fasting, do not give up to continue fasting. If not, u will not enjoy a proper celebration of Hari Raya.. That's not all..fasting is obligatory for every muslims.

So far ahead of me..I'll be writing the next entry for all fans of beautiful and handsome.. I'll return to the place where I learn. Don't miss me..but if u miss me, sure to regularly visit my entry..

p/s: to the next topic, I will describe the experience Hari Raya celebrations in the village of my family

upin ipin pun boleh puasa penuh..

princess bieber swagger,
bieber's heartbeat.

The Swagie says 'like' it ! and thank you for reading ^_^

04 August 2012

True Friend = BFF

Hey ! It's me again ! missing my blog a lot ! so to my stalker too ^-^

Today I'm gonna tell u 'bout the meaning of bestfriend.. Everybody has their own BFF right ? so do I..BFF is can't be assessed by how many gift that they give to one another but..this relationship is has to be honest and understanding each other.. Don't u ever think that when your BFF doesn't give u anything, they're forgetting 'bout u..instead to ignore u but..who knows, he or she always pray for u ! They will always pray for your happiness and success in your life.. that's how BFF should be.. Who knows the one who always give u somethi'n..they just wanna get proud of her/his self.. I'm not sayin' that giving your BFF a present is a bad thing..Yes, u can give him/her a gift but it should be given from the bottom of your heart..u must correct your INTENTION !
Give her/him with full of integrity in your heart !

That's how BFF should be ~ I think that's long enough for my stalkersss to read.. ^-^ haha..

CAUTION !!! If you have read this, please spread it to your BFF including your friends..what's the meaning of TRUE FRIEND !

even bear know what BFF means..

Best Friends Forever !

best friend will guard u and stay by your side !

they'll make u cheer if u cry..


princess bieber swagger,
bieber's heartbeat ^-^

The Swagie says 'like' it ! and thank you for reading ^_^

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