
Status Update ^_^

09 February 2014

I Don't Have A Crxsh, Plus I Don't Wannna Have Any

Assalamualaikum fellas ^^

It's me again .... 


I wanna tell you a sad story about my crxsh..

So here it is.. during the msr week, I like a boy and he's my dear senior.. and I get excited about him so I

stalk him like crazyyy.. then I found his twitter, fb and instagram and I followed him ^^

And he accepted my friend request plus followed me too.. 

But the happy moment didn't last long because then I found out he has a girlfriend through his comment 

with another girl.. which is my senior too.. Soon, even though it is hard for me to accept the fact, I've made 

my decision to unfollowed him and blocked him instantly.

One morning, we got bumped in front of the campus, we're acting so awkward like didn't know where to 

look at and I walk extra fast. It's like I don't wanna see him again.

After the incident, I heard some rumor about him which they were saying that he's not a student of this 

university.. But then I realize that he just found out he has a lot of secret admirers.. erghhh ! boyssss.

So there. Right now I don't have a crxsh plus I don't wanna have any.    

Sincerely with love,


The Swagie says 'like' it ! and thank you for reading ^_^

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